vrijdag 27 april 2012

My license, lesson #8: driving backwards?

Yes, I'm going to get my license! But first, I have to learn how to drive stick... Changing gears, learning how to handle in certain situations... So, my plan is to get my license in 27 times 50 minutes. Now I'm almost halfway and my instructor wants me to take my theory exam. So I'll be taking the exam on Tuesday 5th May, 9:00 in the morning. I still have to learn this big book full of theory... So that's what I'll be doing the next few weeks!

But is so weird, suddenly everyone around my has a drivers license. I friend of mine drove to school in his mother's car yesterday, and he drove me home as well (with my bicycle in the trunk) and it was just so weird to see someone of my own age, a friend mine, driving a car! I always connected driving a car to being an adult. This just shows me how fast we've already grown up! Very soon I'll be driving myself. How weird is that...

Anyway, my first lesson... I was so nervous! It sounds gross but I'd been sweating the whole 50 minutes. I was so damn nervous. Lol. I got to change gears myself the first time! And that was two months ago, now I'm already parking and driving the motorway. It all goes so fast! And it's fun too. : )

I want my license!!!!!

zaterdag 21 april 2012

My weird life...

... my 20€...
So yesterday the weirdest thing happened to me. I ran out of cash so me and my friend went to an ATM. While talking with my friend, I was trying to get my 20€.. The ATM said that I could take back my pass so I did (still talking to my friend).

So later, in the H&M, I wanted to buy this new bag/purse which cost 20€. I was ready to pay but then I couldn't find my 20€!!! I kept thinking were it could possible be...

... And then it hit me! I forgot to take it from the ATM! I'm so stupid!!! But there was this woman behind me that needed the ATM as well (she lined up).. I'm almost a hundred percent sure that she took my money! Haha. Who does that?? It happened to me once that the man in front of me forgot his 50€ and I immediately gave it back. It was an old man, but what's wrong with you when you take money from an innocent 16 year old girl?

So today I called my bank, and there's nothing they can do for me so I'm glad I only had 20€ stuck in there and not more :-).

donderdag 5 april 2012

My Review: (PART 2) L'Oréal Paris: Volume Million Lashes in waterproof


So about a week ago I posted part one of my review about this amazing waterproof mascara! The L'Oréal Paris: Volume Million Lashes. And I promised some photo's.. so here they are! (not amazing taken I have to admid, but my camera is broken!!!! :( So I had to take them with my phone). And as you can see, my left lashes are a bit longer than my right lashes, and that's because of the waterproof mascara!

Because when this mascara dries up, it becomes a little harder than the normal one. Even at the end of the day my left lashes where still as long as in the picture, while my right lashes where a little bit bend down.. Also a good thing about this waterproof mascara is that it doesn't smudge on my skin, below my lashes. My lower lashes touch my skin, because they're a bit long, and because of that the normal mascara smudges and the waterproof mascara doesn't because of the texture.

But of course, the main reason why I bought this waterproof mascara is, so I can go swimming without having to be worried all the time about how I look: Is my mascara still on? If yes, how does I look? If not, how I look? So no longer questions! This mascara holds perfectly when swimming. It doesn't smudge! Though it still disappears from your lashes, it at least doesn't disappears as quickly as normal mascara does, and my mascara doesn't 'stick' under my eyes (the little part of mascara that does come off). Because I find with most waterproof mascara that they do stick under my eyes, and when they do, they're NOT easy to get off. And that's not nice when you walk around looking you've been crying.

I think this is the best waterproof mascara you can get for the hot days coming! (yeeeaaah summer!)